Remembering Wave-O-Matic
Niko "Wave-O-Matic" Birakos would have turned 52 this past weekend. It is hard to believe that he left us over 6 years ago, way before his time. He inspired many and not only poppers and not only Dancers. There were so many sides to this man with skills in Dancing, Surfing, Technology, Videography and Im sure there was more. He was making and flying drones before many knew what they were. He was always willing to pass on his knowledge to those who would seek it. He was a Fixture at Homeland Cultural Center In Long Beach, CA every week giving his guidance to the next generation.
He was a vocal man with strong opinions that you may not have always agreed with at the time but you respected his opinion as you knew it was not made without deep thought and knowledge. He was a man with great presence, You knew when he stepped into the room. He was a man that loved representing LA and The Harbor Area but at the same time welcoming to its visitors. He also loved his mother country of Greece and he would make sure you knew he was Greek Spartan, He inspired the popping scene in Greece as well, So Much so that the Waveomatics Crew named themselves after him.
Of all the great things Waveo was one of the greatest things he was, was a friend, You could always count on him, No matter how busy he was he would make time for you. He would give you an honest opinion whether you liked it or not LOL.
Waveo will not be forgotten. Luckily for those of you that didnt get a chance to meet him, there are many of his videos, Tutorials and interviews with Waveo on YouTube and other sources,so you can get a small glimpse of who he was and still learn from him.
On December 22, 2012 Many of us went to the Gr818ers Flava Of The Year Event, and of course Waveo was there as he was always supporting. He was in the Cyphers, He was catching up with people and just having a good time. I had a real good conversation with Waveo that day that will stay with me for the rest of my life. As we all were having a great time at that event none of us knew that would be the last time that anybody would get to cypher with, Talk to, or just feel the great presence of the man know as WAVE-O-MATIC. We didnt know how blessed we were to be able to spend Waveo's last day on this earth with him as we all got the terrible news the next day that Waveo went home and passed on to the next life.
Rest In Peace Niko Wave-O-Matic Birakos
May 19, 1967 - December 23, 2012
You are missed my friend. -Thee Don Mega
Thank you. I love waveomatic. He inspired so many people to dance. He definately was loved by so many. As a staff member from Homeland I am so grateful for all his dedication to all the youth, teens, and adults who loved to dance. He was a great leader, dancer, and had a heart of gold. His personality was unique, one of a kind, a great person, I think of him often. He loved homeland. I miss him very much. He made me smile, he still makes me smile. I watch his videos alot. I have been blessed to have met him. I will never forget him. You could not meet a nicer person. RIP MY DEAR FRIEND. I KNOW YOU ARE DANCIN IN HEAVEN….THE PERFECT ANGEL!!
I got some great footage of him doing some floor waves.. RIP brotha.. https://youtu.be/NV8JqikLboI