Balancing Fatherhood , Dance, & A Career With Popping Tronick (Fathers Day Interview)
Streetdance and fatherhood might seem to be very different fields, but for Popping Tronick from Funny Bones Crew they are much more than that. They are two passions he juggles and balances along with his career. In this exclusive interview with Popping Tronick, He explains what it takes to balance the three areas in his life and how he finds joy in all of them. With Fathers Day just around the corner we caught up with Popping Tronick to find out about how he balances work, Dance and fatherhood.
- What does Fathers Day Mean to you?- Fathers day really is just another day for me to be with my son. I know it's cliche but everyday i'm with my son is fathers day to me.
- How do you balance Being a Father, Work and Dance? Being a father is a full time job in itself lol. However I find balance by prioritizing my time. I also take my son to the events I choose to go to and share that time with him. I get him involved in some capacity so he feels included and enjoys his time with me.
- Does your son dance? No and I never forced it upon him. I brought him around and allowed him to make his own decision whether he wanted to dance like his pops. He danced with me when he was younger but now he is into Robotics and Engineering.
- Does He Inspire you? Absolutely he does! A big part of my own personal journey was inspired by his happiness and love for life.
- What legacy do you want to leave? I think about this every day. I was a very young father having my son at the age of 23 and my thoughts have changed as I and he got older. At first it was I wanted to make sure my son is financially secure if I pass away. Then as he got older I had a clearer picture which I know will change again. But at this point I want my legacy to be that I was open with my son about everything in my life, that I raised him to be a respectful young man, I gave him all the tools necessary to succeed and most importantly that he used not just my mistakes but my accomplishments to make the right decisions in life.
- What's the last outing you had? Alexander and I went to see Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias at Dodger stadium. I got us vip floor seats and we had the most amazing time ever. I've never seen my son so excited. We spent the whole day laughing, hugging and adventuring off through the stadium. We stayed till the end and got to see Fluffy up close. Truly was a special day for us.
Popping Tronick with Alexander going to See Gabriel Iglesias at
Dodger Stadium
- How do you plan on spending Fathers Day? As much as everyone likes to give Dads the attention I like to give it to my son. I wouldn't be a father without him so knowing my son we will go out to eat, do a hike and just spend some quality time together or as we like to call it Father Sonday.
Follow Popping Tronick
Instagramn: @brandon_.k02
Tiktok: @poppingtronickfbc